I originally posted this drabble in early 2014 but a reader recently brought it to my attention with the following comment: “I read your Falling In Love prose. Amazing! It enthralled me in the first few lines.” So, I’m reposting it – enjoy!
Today’s prose is just in time for Valentine’s Day and is one is designed to see how pure you are in your thoughts. I promise – this is a G-rated drabble (100 word poem) but if your mind is not riveted upon childhood innocence, you may find it rated R or worse. Scared to reveal your true self? Then, you better read this one by yourself, and then test someone else after the last line cleanses your thoughts!
Here goes (audio versions are at the end) …
This drabble was inspired by a comment I found online many moons ago. Someone said they always thought it would be interesting to read a book where the book fell in love with the reader. That really seemed outside the box to me and it inspired me to ponder over that idea a number of times. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that it would be a slow and tedious read but it might be a lot of fun to write a short story about it … so I tried to commit it to a drabble – a feat that was much more difficult than I initially imagined!
Audio File: Version 1 as read by Angela DiGiovanni
Audio File: Version 2 as read by Angela DiGiovanni
The image comes from this page of funny falling in love pictures.