Tagged: Timpanogos Storytelling Festival

Storytelling Festivals a Blast

  As usual, the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival was a blast – and it was packed like never before.  That said, it never ceases to surprise me how few people attend – considering the size of the potential draw.  I’m especially...

Willy Claflin

I perform nearly every year at the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival in Orem, Utah. While everyone has their favorite teller for various reasons (comedic, historical, lovable, liar-able, etc.), I have yet to find a young child who didn’t love Willy Claflin...

Drew Briney, Story Juggling

Story Juggling by Drew

Years ago, I began a lifelong juggling addiction (although I’m too stubborn to join any 12 step program to help me stop). In 2000 or perhaps a little earlier, I began to tell stories while juggling. To my knowledge, I’m...