Reader Reviews – Moon 514

TOR’s managing editor told me that if readers are asking for the next chapter, you probably have a good book.  Well Teresa, here you go!  Here are some reader reviews:

(These are from my Wattpad account).


@JeckoJasher:My heart was racing, this chapter is wicked!!!!  It’s official. I’m addicted to your book…it is totally AWESOME!!!  Once you start reading, it is almost impossible to stop reading.

@coppertree:  It captures you and drags you in fast and strong…even your longest chapter felt like it was flying by. I am reading this through my 2nd time but your story still gets my heart beating.  Still just as thrilling the second time as it is the first time through!!!!

@CinnCinn:  Your characters are believable and the story progresses well.  Great chapter…I loved the ending! AWESOME book.

@MartinBennett1:  Loving it. Great job. I’m hooked.

@laurab:  The paragraph that starts, “Another hour until sunrise…” keeps echoing in my mind.  I love the way you have with words.  Your story deserves all the votes!  I typically either feel “meh” about a story and stop reading it immediately or fall deeply and madly for it … and end up staying up reading it all night until I finish it.  Blaze has definitely kept me up until the wee hours.

@AprilSunshine:  I like the beautifully descriptive glimpses into the magic woman’s mind… beautiful sentiments in that chapter worth pondering.  …a great chapter.  You set up all sorts of interesting leads for what might be next. I’m really excited … you have a great deal of creativity and complex webs of interaction.

@TheShadowThree:  I don’t think that my heart will calm down for quite a while.

@phantomx:  People flock to your writing!  I find myself entranced by this woman, she seems amazing. I can’t wait to read more about her.

@todreamadream:  You are sooooo good at twists. You are a great writer with lots of surprises.  Well done in capturing the audience. The imagery is amazing! I love the detail and descriptions … very alive in the senses.  I really enjoyed it…brought tears to my eyes.  Wow, you really know how to make a very bad guy! … it’s kind of tense.  … I sure hope you write a lot more.   Your play on aliens is very unique, interesting, and delightful.

@coppertree:  funny… tragic… loved it.  Your writing is truly remarkable.

@ncorazon2:  Wow this is great! I love the story, keep it up yo!

@girlonfire02:  You are amazing!!!!!!!

@CreativeCat:  Wow! This is really good!!!

@AprilSunshine:  It was a good next step after the tragedies. I can breathe easy again.

@JeckoJasher:  I like your ideas for your aliens in this book.  Every time I get to the end of the chapter, I just have to start the next chapter 🙂  Fascinating!  I can’t wait for more!

@Irisivypetal:  It is awesome soo far 😀

@todreamadream:  You sure write heart-aching things sometimes.  How traumatic!  I’m curious about book II …  I wonder a lot about Aria, the aliens, the white griffon on earth, and much more.  … (last chapter of book) this was your best chapter yet! I loved it.  It really needs a second book very soon! 🙂    I enjoyed this chapter. you do a good job at making things real. i like how you made it exciting and new to come back to earth.

@Flame 23:  Will there be another book to Blaze the White Griffon?  [answered yes] … Cool.

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9 Responses

  1. blaze514 says:

    I have mixed feelings about this … after all, the protagonist (that’s me) gets almost no airtime here while a third tier (albeit very kind and lovely) character gets all of the attention!

    • Evelia514 says:

      Well, one reader did say that you keep her up all night!

    • magicwoman514 says:

      I suppose that is debatable. After all, I’m the underlying movement behind the plot. Perhaps readers view me as the hidden and mysterious protagonist?

      • Evelia514 says:

        I very much agree. Besides being the inspiration behind the whole book, I was consumed by your presence during the entire thing. Still, none of us would have made it without Blaze: I would be dead; Elayuh would be dead; Aria might be dead; the entire ship would be … well, I don’t even want to think about that.

        • toka514 says:

          Then again, Jerron wouldn’t be dead.
          A village of natives would still be alive.
          I wouldn’t be dead.
          Many crew members would still be alive.
          Much of my team back wouldn’t be dead.
          Tokatu would still be a backup plan.
          Personally, I think Blaze is little more than a killing machine.

      • Lovely summation! The hidden protagonist – that sounds like a cool book title for authors! – and it fairly accurately summarizes Moon 514. The Magic Woman was the entire foundation behind the plot despite the fact that the clear protagonist was Blaze. That leaves the Magic Woman as the very clear, subtextual hidden protagonist!

  2. aria514 says:

    Even if the lithe little alien gets all of the cover spot, you’ll still be my hero!

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